Separation anxiety

You used to leave your baby with loved ones or other trusted child care providers with a kiss on the cheek and a quick wave goodbye. Separation anxiety seemed to be a problem only for other kids. Now, however, your goodbyes trigger tears. What's going on?

Garvan J. Lynch
MBA (Public Health)

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What is it?

You used to leave your baby with loved ones or other trusted child care providers with a kiss on the cheek and a quick wave goodbye. Separation anxiety seemed to be a problem only for other kids. Now, however, your goodbyes trigger tears. What's going on?

Between ages 8 and 12 months, children often experience a period of separation anxiety. Frustrating as it may be, separation anxiety is actually an emotional milestone. Your child is beginning to understand that there's only one of you — and you still exist even when you aren't in sight. This can trigger tears when you leave the room or clingy behavior when you attempt to say goodbye.

Separation anxiety usually fades by age 24 months. In the meantime, say goodbye gently and reassure your child that you'll return soon. Separation anxiety rarely requires medical treatment.


Fussing and crying are the classic signs of separation anxiety. Screaming and tantrums are possible, too. During the day, your child may refuse to leave your side. During the night, he or she may wake up and cry for you.

Separation anxiety usually peaks between ages 10 and 18 months. Most children outgrow separation anxiety by age 24 months.


Separation anxiety is a normal stage of development for infants and toddlers. As your child realises that there's only one of you, he or she may become upset when you're not together — even if you just step into another room for a few minutes. Sometimes separation anxiety is triggered by changes in a child's life, such as a new child care situation, a new sibling or a new home. In other cases, family stress or tension may lead to separation anxiety.



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