Fibromyalgia Health Clinic

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterised by widespread pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as fatigue and multiple tender points — places on your body where slight pressure causes pain.

Fibromyalgia occurs in about 2 percent of the population. Women are much more likely to develop the disorder than are men, and the risk of fibromyalgia increases with age.

Fibromyalgia symptoms often begin after a physical or emotional trauma, but in many cases there appears to be no triggering event. Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary, depending on the weather, stress, physical activity or even the time of day.

There is much that can be done to help manage the condition. A Fibromyalgia Health Clinic is an excellent place to begin understanding the illness as well as formulating a management plan. Book now.

For New Customers Or €35 for members
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