Pumpkin Seeds

Seeing the effects of the pumpkin seeds in the prevention and the cure of prostate cancer, biologists have carried out several research studies regarding the biological constituents in the pumpkin seeds that help in their curative effects in the treatment of.....

Garvan J. Lynch
MBA (Public Health)

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Seeing the effects of the pumpkin seeds in the prevention and the cure of prostate cancer, biologists have carried out several research studies regarding the biological constituents in the pumpkin seeds that help in their curative effects in the treatment of the various prostate related problems. The pumpkin seeds contain several protective compounds called in phytosterols which are responsible for the shrinking of the enlarged prostate gland. The pumpkin seeds also contain certain chemicals that may prevent the transformation of the hormone testosterone into di hydro testosterone or DHT. Higher levels of DHT are in fact associated with enlarged prostate.

Dangers and possible side effects....

Pumpkin seeds are closely related to nuts, so if you have nut-related allergies, eat pumpkin seeds with caution.

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